Alice Walker. "Everyday Use"/ The Color Purple 1982
Allen Ginsberg. "A Supermarket in
Alex Haley Autobiography of Malcom X (1965)
Roots (1976)
Arthur Miller. Death of a Salesman
Benjamin Franklin. The Autobiography
Charlotte Perkins Gilman. The Yellow Wall-paper
E.B. White Charlotte 's Web (1952)
Edgar Allen Poe. "The Raven" "Ligeia" "The Fall of the House of Usher"
Edward Albee, The American Dream (1961)
Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf? (1962)
Elizabeth Bishop. "Sestina"/"In the Waiting Room"/"One Art"
Emily Dickinson. "I taste a liquor never brewed-"
"There's a certain Slant of light"
"The Soul selects her own Society-"
"A Bird came down the Walk-"
"After great pain, a formal feeling comes-"
"Much Madness is divinest Sense-"
"This was a Poet-It is That"
"I died for Beauty-but was scarce"
"I heard a Fly buss-when I died-"
"This World is not Conclusion"
"I cannot live with You-"
"Because I could not stop for Death-"
"My Life had stood-a Loaded Gun-"
"A narrow Fellow in the Grass"
Ernest Hemingway. "The Snows of Kilimanjaro"
A Farewell to Arms
The sun Also Rises
For Whom the Bell Tolls
The Nick Adams Stories
Eugene O'Neill. "Long Day's Journey into Night"
F. Scott Fitzgernald. "
Revisited"/ The Great Gatsby1925/
Tender Is the Night (1934)
Flannery O'Connor. "Good Country People"
Henry David Thoreau. "Resistance to Civil Government"/
Walden, or Life in the Woods
Henry James. "The Beast in the Jungle"/"Daisy Miller"/ "The Art if Fiction"
The Bostonians (1885)/The Portrait of a Lady (1880)
Herman Melville. Moby-Dick 1851
James Fenimore Cooper,. The Last of the Mohicans (1826)
J. Hector St. John de Crevecoeur. "Letters from an American Farmer"
Jonathan Edwards. "Personal Narrative"/ "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God"
John Barth, Giles Goar-Boy (1966)
Lost in the Funhouse (1968
John. Updike, (The Rabbit Tetralogy) Rabbit, Run (1960)
Rabbit Redux (1971)
Rabbit Is Rich (1981)
Rabbit at Rest (1991)
Joseph Heller Catch-22 (1961)
Kate Chopin. The Awakening
Ken Kensey One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest (1962)
Langston Hughes. "Mulatto"
Mary E. Wilkins Freeman. "A New England Nun"
Maxine Hong Kingston. The Woman Warrior/"No Name Woman"
Nathaniel Hawthorne. The Scarlet Letter/The House of the Seven Gables
"Young Goodman Brown"
Ralph Ellison. Invisible Man (1952)
Ralph Waldo Emerson. Nature/ "The American Scholar"
/"The Divinity School Address"/"Self-Reliance"
Robert Frost. "After Apple-Picking"
"The Road Not Taken"
"Mending Wall"
"Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening"
Saul. Bellow, Herzog (1964)
Sherwood Anderson.
Winesburg , Ohio
Stephen Crane. "The Open Boat"/ Red Badge of Courage
Sylvia Plath. "Ariel"/ "Daddy"
Tennessee Williams. A Street Car Named Desire
Toni Morrison. Beloved/ The Bluest Eye/ The Song of Solomon (1977)
Wallace Stevens. "The Snow Man"
"The Emperor of Ice-Cream"
"Sunday Morning"
"The Idea of Order at Key West "
Walt Whitman. Preface to Leaves of Grass/ Song of Myself
Washington Irving . Rip Van Winkle
William Bradford. Of Plymouth Plantation
William Faulkner. "A Rose for Emily"/"As I Lay Dying"
/ The Sound and the Fury(1929)/ Absalom, Absalom! (1936)